European Geothermal Information Platform

the new, modern and flexible framework for geothermal data management in Europe

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EGIP contains various data categories:

Scientific and technical aspect information are those usually used in geothermal databases, e.g., temperature data, temperature maps, surface heat flow, thermal springs, reservoir info, fault mapping, porosity data, permeability measurements, seismicity recorded, geothermal plant energy production.

Social acceptance information includes the studies or report on the social acceptance for geothermal energy, on the existence of laws on the environmental impact, on the presence of environmental impact factor list, if a monitoring network data is present and if there are some tracked parameters

In Code category the existing geothermal code at national level are collected

Skills, employees and Energy need category is related to data regarding employees, skills required for geothermal and on geothermal energy needs and supply

This category concerns running, completed and foreseen geothermal projects and national geothermal roadmaps

Training & Education category is focussed on geothermal training and education, considering University courses, PhD, Master, specialisation

In Regulatory aspects category the rules of licencing and the legal condition for grid access are investigated

The Economic aspects category treats the specific issues on insurance covering the geothermal project risks or royalties, taxes and support scheme matters

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